Steins; Gateで学ぶ英単語(熟語) #03



syn. 類義語

sb: somebody

sth: something

esp: especially

1. consummate

perfect, or complete in every way:

  • Despite her NyanNyanian nonsense, Faris is the consummate professional.

syn. masterly, perfect


2. to no avail

without any success or any effect:

- I give him a look that eyes "calm down", but to no avail.

sym. unsuccessfully, in vain.


3. purrfected

  • "Even though it's painful... no, because it's painful, I succeeded my brother's dying wish and purrfected my skills as a RaiNetter, nya!"

こいつは少し特殊です.変なスペルの単語だなと思って調べたところ,どうやら perfect +purr(猫が喉を鳴らす音)なる猫言葉らしいです.猫に関連した文脈で,Cats in this picture is purrfect! みたいな感じで使われるらしい.我々が猫を見て「可愛いニャン♡」と語尾につける感覚なんでしょうか.言葉が違っても考えることは同じですね.purrceptive もありました.

4. scrounge

to get things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or working for them:

  • But don't let its looks deceive you. Our computer wiz, Daru, scrounged up some parts and made some mods to it.

訳: しかし見た目に騙されてはいけない.ウィザードであるダルが部品を集めてきて改造したのだ.

なお,scrounge around で「~を漁る; 探し回る」という意味になります.

5. doth

in the past, the third person singular of the present tense of "do":

- The lady doth protest too much.

古英語として過去使用されていた,do の三人称単数現在形のようです. thou thy thee thine の仲間です.英語に限らず日本語でもそうですが,古い言葉ってなんだか魅力的にうつります.死んだ言葉に儚さを覚えているのでしょうか.archaic words list とかで調べてみると英語のそういう言葉を知ることができるのでオススメです.

6. comrade

a friend, especially one who you have been involved in difficult or dangerous, usually military, activities with:

  • I may be an insane mad scientist, but I still risk life and limb for the safety of my comrades. 

syn. companion, friend, ally

訳: 俺はイカれたマッドサイエンティストだが,仲間の安全のためにこの命と体を危険に晒している.


7. stave off

to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily:

- Maybe I should take a shower. That should stave off exhausion, if only temporarily.

syn. prevent, avert, ward off, hokd off

訳: シャワーを浴びてこよう.たとえ一時的でも,疲れはとれるだろう.


8. stale

not fresh or new:

  • Stale air smells very bad.

syn. old, expired, musty

そのままの意味です.stalemate の stale とはまた語源が違うんですかね.

9. impasse [æmˈpæs]

a  point in a process at which further progress is blocked, esp. by disagreement:

  • Their disagreements contributed to the impasse over budget policy in 1995 and the infamous partial federal government shutdown.

syn. deadlock, stalemate, standstill

フランス語由来の名詞です.行き詰って立ち行かなくなる様子を表しています.動詞的に使う場合は通常,reach an impasse などと使われます.あるいは,#10の例文にあるように,hit a dead end が使えます.

10. detour

a way of getting to a place that is indirect and longer than the usual way, and which is taken in order to avoid a particular problem or to do something special:

- Anyway, the PhoneWave (name subject to chage) experiment has hit a dead end for now, so it shouldn't matter if I make a little detour for this.

syn. diversion, bypass, alternative route

訳: とにかく,電話レンジ(仮)の実験は今のところ行き詰まっているし,少し寄り道しても問題ないだろう.

これも使い勝手がよさそうな単語です.devour みたいな感じで見た目がかっこいい.

11. encompass

to include different types of things:

Otaku possess the ability to anthropomorphize (in moe form) just about everything in the world simply by sticking "tan" on the end of its name. Daru's powers encompass even particle accelerators.

syn. include, contain, comprise

訳: オタクは名前の後ろに「たん」をつけるだけで,世の中のありとあらゆるものを(萌え形式で)擬人化できる能力を持つ.ダルの力は粒子加速器(LHC)さえもカバーしている.

オタクの特殊能力について説明しているシーンです.シンプルに include と読み替えてもいい気がする.
日本語版だとどうかは分からないですが,インターネット用語を tips などで詳しく解説しているので,外国人もプレイしやすいと思います.この擬人化能力はオタク文化特有のものなのか,それとも日本人が備えた民族スケールでの修正なのか,気になるところではあります.

12. exasperate

to cause anger or extreme annoyance in someone:

  • I put away my phone, then turn to find daru giving me an exaspereted look.

syn. irritate, frustrate


13. credibility

the fact that sb or sth can be believed or trusted: 

- You don't have a shred of credibility. I have no way of knowing if that "interesting information" of yours is true or not.

syn. reliability, validity, trustworthiness

訳: 鈴羽,アンタには信頼性の欠片もない.その"興味深い情報"とやらが本当かどうかを確かめる術は,俺にはない.


14. exude [ɪɡˈzjuːd]

to have a lot of particular quality or feeling:

- I was going to ask him if he'd like a break, but his entire body is exuding an aura that says "Don't talk to me."

syn. emit, radiate, discharge

接頭語 -ex (外に) に注目すると覚えやすいかもしれない.


hit a dead end: 行き詰まる

shred: 断片,欠片

stand at a crossroads: 分岐点に立つ,岐路に立つ

anthropomorphize[æ̀nθrəpəmɔ́ːfaiz]: ~を擬人化する

reconnoiter: 自動・他動・名詞: 偵察する,調査する

inauguration (of): 就任(式),[事業等で]創業,[建物等で]落成(式)


Steins; Gate で学ぶ英単語(熟語) #02


1. rave

to speak in an uncontrolled way, usually because you are upset or angry, or because you are ill:

  • Naturally, the costume Mayuri is currently raving about* is for a female character.

鳳凰院凶真が柳林神社にてお祓いを受ける場面.rave 単体の意味としては上記のように「怒ったり,気が動転してまくし立てる」みたいな感じになっていますが,そこから転じて「絶賛する,褒めちぎる」のような意味で使われているようです.

2. fidget

to make continuous, small movements, especially if they do not have a particular purpose and you make them without meaning to, for example because you are nervous or bored: 

  • He starts fidgeting with a flushed face and tears in his eyes.


3. hang in there

said as a way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties:

  • N-No way! Please hang in there, Okabe-san.

鳳凰(ry が悪霊に支配されそうになっている場面.このフレーズは「頑張れ」みたいな感じでカジュアルに使われるみたいです.使い勝手よさそう.

4. stagnant

not flowing or moving, and smelling unpleasant:

  • I don't know if it's just the dust hanging the air, but something feels stagnant about this place.


5. haphazard

not having an obvious order or plan:

  • The haphazard layout makes them seem like junk, but they are all functional, according to Mr. Braun.


6. quench

to drink liquid so that you stop being thirsty; to use water to put out a fire; to satisfy a need or wish:

  • I grab an ice coffee at the bakery inside Yodobashi to quench my thirst.

literary. 倫太郎がアキバの夏に辟易している場面です.
クエンチ: 超伝導磁石が何らかの理由で超伝導状態を維持できなくなった際,コイルを流れる電流が熱に変換され周囲の液体ヘリウムを一気に蒸発させる現象.蒸発したヘリウムは安全弁を破り外部に流出するため窒息の危険を伴う.

7. engross

If something engross you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention:

  • Is she so engrossed in her photography that she doesn't even notice me?


8. ascertain

to discover something; to make something:

  • And above all, I have yet to ascertain if she can be trusted.

make sure みたいな感じでしょうか,すごいふわっとしている印象を受けます.
ascertain とか ascention みたいな,asc- 何とかっていう単語かっこいいと思っています.


Steins; Gate で学ぶ英単語(熟語) #01

こんにちは.先日steamでSteins; Gateがセールをしていたので衝動買いしました.   しかしアニメを観てエンディングを知ってしまっているので普通にプレイしてもつまらないだろうと思い,英語力向上も兼ねて英語字幕で遊ぶことにしました.

1. exhilaration

feeling of excitement or happiness: 

  • an exhilarating walk in the mountain.

接頭語 ex- (外に)と動詞 hilarate (元気づける)から来ているらしいです.意味が全然推測できなくて困る.

2. secrecy

 the state of being secret or of keeping something secret:

  • The content of her report is shrouded in secrecy.

secret, secretary, secrecy の見分けがつかない.lie lay と同じ匂いを感じる.頭がおかしくなるから止めてほしい.

3. blaze

to burn lightly and strongly:

  • The sun was blazing down that afternoon.

調べた後に気づいたけどマイクラのブレイズと同じだなと思った.この単語もそうだけど,shiny とか bright みたいな雰囲気?を形容する単語が好きなんですが,中々分かってくれる人がいません.

4. (at) any second

used to say that something will or may happen extremely soon:

  • He should be here at any second.


5. fraud

the crime of getting money by deceiving people; also means liar:

  • Convicted tax fraud, he was sentenced to two years in prison. 

序盤で結構出てきた単語.洪水って何の話?って思ったけどあっちは flood でした.全然違う.

6. liability

the fact that someone is legally responsible for something:

  • He denies any liability for the damage caused.

reliability とスペル似てるしそのくせ意味も似てるとかいう悪意.liability は正当性で reliability は信頼性って感じなのかな.こういうややこしい単語はパッと使えない.

7. trepidation

fear or worry about what is going to happen:

  • We view future developments with some trepidations.


8. gullible

easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:

  • It is now said that these people were incompetent and gullible.

なんとなく guilty に似てる.まゆりのために存在しているかのような単語.

9. forlorn

alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for:

  • She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop.

literary. スペルがかっこいいけど意味は普通に悲しい.

10. writhe

to make large twisting movements with body; to experience a very difficult or unpleasant situation or emotion, such as extreme embarrassment:

  • The pain was so unbearable that he was writhing in agony.

発音は rīT͟H. ちなみにリストバンドのリストは wrist. writhe in 感情 みたいな感じで使われることが多そう.

11. startle

to do something unexpected that surprises and sometimes worries a person or animal:

  • Her article on diet startled many people into changing their eating habits.


12. nausea

the feeling that you are going to vomit:

  • Signs of the illness include fever, nausea, and vomiting.


13. enormity

very great size and importance; an extremely evil act or the quality of being extremely evil:

  • The enormity of the wilderness awed us.

of を伴うことが多い.問題などの大きさ深刻さ,非道な行為を意味する.割と違う意味が同居してる単語で面白い.
