こんにちは.先日steamでSteins; Gateがセールをしていたので衝動買いしました.
1. exhilaration
feeling of excitement or happiness:
- an exhilarating walk in the mountain.
接頭語 ex- (外に)と動詞 hilarate (元気づける)から来ているらしいです.意味が全然推測できなくて困る.
2. secrecy
the state of being secret or of keeping something secret:
- The content of her report is shrouded in secrecy.
secret, secretary, secrecy の見分けがつかない.lie lay と同じ匂いを感じる.頭がおかしくなるから止めてほしい.
3. blaze
to burn lightly and strongly:
- The sun was blazing down that afternoon.
調べた後に気づいたけどマイクラのブレイズと同じだなと思った.この単語もそうだけど,shiny とか bright みたいな雰囲気?を形容する単語が好きなんですが,中々分かってくれる人がいません.
4. (at) any second
used to say that something will or may happen extremely soon:
- He should be here at any second.
5. fraud
the crime of getting money by deceiving people; also means liar:
- Convicted tax fraud, he was sentenced to two years in prison.
序盤で結構出てきた単語.洪水って何の話?って思ったけどあっちは flood でした.全然違う.
6. liability
the fact that someone is legally responsible for something:
- He denies any liability for the damage caused.
reliability とスペル似てるしそのくせ意味も似てるとかいう悪意.liability は正当性で reliability は信頼性って感じなのかな.こういうややこしい単語はパッと使えない.
7. trepidation
fear or worry about what is going to happen:
- We view future developments with some trepidations.
8. gullible
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:
- It is now said that these people were incompetent and gullible.
なんとなく guilty に似てる.まゆりのために存在しているかのような単語.
9. forlorn
alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for:
- She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop.
literary. スペルがかっこいいけど意味は普通に悲しい.
10. writhe
to make large twisting movements with body; to experience a very difficult or unpleasant situation or emotion, such as extreme embarrassment:
- The pain was so unbearable that he was writhing in agony.
発音は rīT͟H. ちなみにリストバンドのリストは wrist. writhe in 感情 みたいな感じで使われることが多そう.
11. startle
to do something unexpected that surprises and sometimes worries a person or animal:
- Her article on diet startled many people into changing their eating habits.
12. nausea
the feeling that you are going to vomit:
- Signs of the illness include fever, nausea, and vomiting.
13. enormity
very great size and importance; an extremely evil act or the quality of being extremely evil:
- The enormity of the wilderness awed us.
of を伴うことが多い.問題などの大きさ深刻さ,非道な行為を意味する.割と違う意味が同居してる単語で面白い.